(8 条用户评价)

CHNL Shoulder Bags 248109


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CHNL Shoulder Bags 248109 有 8 个评价

  1. happy shopper

    The seller shipped it super fast, and the packaging was exquisite. The bag is perfect, and the price is really great.

  2. P. McAllister

    It has a sense of ceremony

  3. JKR

    I’ve been following for a long time, and I finally made my first purchase. The packaging is great, and opening the package feels like receiving a gift

  4. Barbara


  5. Jill Moore

    High aesthetic value, super good-looking

  6. Vikki P Jackson

    It was a gift, and she really likes it

  7. Didi

    The bag is really nice, very classy! The price is reasonable, and adding an inner pouch makes it even more perfect!

  8. Sally Marsh

    It looks great in photos, and it’s spacious enough to fit an umbrella. I love it!

